Google could lose up to $750 million from the advertiser boycott

Google could lose up to $750 million from the advertiser boycott related to ads appearing next to extremist content, according to a note from analysts at Nomura Instinet.

According to the note, YouTube, which relies extensively on big brands, would take a 7.5% hit to its revenues, which are estimated to be $10.2 billion for 2017. Five of the top 20 US advertisers, which make up 7.5% of the US ad spend, have frozen their advertising with Google -alongside dozens more around the world.

Traditional TV companies will likely look to capitalise on the boycott during the upfronts -where networks try to sell the bulk of their advertising -which run from March to May and emphasize the view that advertising on TV guarantees brand safety with large scale audiences, according to the note.

Other platforms which rely on user generated content -like Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat -could be scrutinised closely as a result of the boycott. Google said it would be employing more people to review content, updating its policies to help review questionable content for advertising, and introduce more controls for marketers. More than 250 brands have reportedly pulled their advertising from Google's display ads network and YouTube.
Google could lose up to $750 million from the advertiser boycott Google could lose up to $750 million from the advertiser boycott Reviewed by Unknown on 04:00:00 Rating: 5

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